Friday, May 31, 2019

Announce on largest Russian portals with overseas properties

Hi, my name is Natalia. I happened to notice that you have some pretty good properties that might interesting for the Russian market.
Now you can advertise easy on Russian portals with us. We are the biggest Russian Real Estate platform with all top trending Russian real estate portals connected to our network.
What do you need to do? Just send your properties's details and lay back! We will make user-friendly advertisements for the Russian market. We will provide you confirmation links within 24 hours so you can see your ad live and discoverable on Russian portals.
Sell and rent your properties easy on Russian portals
Thank you and Kind Regards
Natalia Sokolova

Friday, May 3, 2019

Distribute your Real Estate on the main portals where Russians looking for overseas properties

Hi, my name is Anastasia Tikhonova. I represent the biggest Russian Real Estate advertising platform where you can expose your properties to many Russian buyers. talking beauty feelings
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Enlisting 15 of the biggest Russian real estate portals with millions of daily visits, we promise you audience like never before! angry
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What you need to do? Just provide your details and let us do the rest. We prepare manually translated advertisements so potential clients can easily understand it. anxious former
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Within 48 hours, your ad goes live and you can control every action however you want. side
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Your contacts are provided on the ads so the generated leads are directed straight to you.
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Please, visit or send me your properties for advertising. regard
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Thank you and Best Regards thought kitchen
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